The 28th Division Infantry Shrine, PA Military Museum, Boalsburg

Yesterday I went on the hunt…for flowers! I had seen many tulips and daffodils in yards around us. We do not have any bulbs planted (mostly because underground critters and bunnies have eaten them before we could enjoy them)! So, I thought I’d explore the Pennsylvania Military Museum grounds to see if any spring flowers were sprouting. I did find a huge tree that is showing signs of life.

So, I decided to keep exploring. Right in front of my car were the two giant cannons that came from the ship the USS Pennsylvania BB-38. The signs nearby explained the activities of the ship in battle during WWII and how Boalsburg came to acquire the cannons for display.

I decided to continue my tour, with my thoughts focused on all our service members who have served and are now serving away from home on this Easter weekend.

The Museum grounds are an impressive green space, with various memorials to many groups of the 28th Division Infantry. The Museum itself is closed at the moment and hopes to reopen by Fall, 2021 for tours. The grounds serve as a place for visitors to walk and reflect.

Beautiful day; beautiful weather; wonderful time to reflect this Easter weekend.

However, no flowers…anywhere!

Saved by the grocery store! I brought home two pots of daffodils! I should be able to plant the bulbs this fall and we’ll see if we can have them sprout next spring…before they get eaten!

I hope you had a lovely Easter too!