Fall Door Quilt

Our weather is finally feeling like Fall…good thing, it arrives tomorrow, September 22.

That means I finally got motivated to change up the decoration on my front door. For those of you new to my blogging adventure, I’ve had trouble finding a wreathe for my front door that was skinny enough to not get smashed by the screen door. Last Christmas I gave up and decided to make appropriate small quilts to hang on the door. They stayed flat and didn’t get smashed. Success!

Here are the ones I’ve done this year so far:

If you would like to read about each one, check the index on the Welcome page and scroll to Door Quilts. They should all appear there in order…just scroll down to the article you’re looking for.

I did notice the colors of the blocks faded after two months on the front door, so next year I can just make a different block if I want.

This Fall door quilt was a challenge because I didn’t have a single piece of orange fabric in my stash. Obviously, I have not used orange at all for a long time. To the rescue…JoAnn Fabrics and their “fat quarters” so I could have a few. I also spent time trying to be creative, something like a crazy quilt, but obviously I ended up with a simple star pattern:

This pattern is called a Sawtooth Star in one book:

However, when I looked up that name in another book, these two blocks showed up:

The one on the left is named, “Saw Toothed Star”; the one on the right is called, “Free Trade”. Go figure!

If you notice, the arrangement of triangles and squares is similar to mine, except the central block is solid.

Oh well, I hand-pieced the block and then machine quilted around the pieces. They are not my favorite colors, but I guess they work for Halloween. I may have to do another one for November and then I can use the Christmas Stocking from last year in December.

Actually, I don’t think this block looks too bad on the front door! Enjoy!

Please comment, or email me directly if you have questions at marykisner@comcast.net.

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