Garden Update April 16, 2022

Looking at our gardens yesterday morning, you might lose all hope that garden season is right around the corner! However, we still have below freezing nights and the ground is either still frozen or at least pretty COLD! Not quite time to put seeds in the ground!

All weeds in the raised garden beds have been removed. Bert will run the small rototiller in here before I plant.
Bert will rototill this garden and then put the boards back down so we can walk between the rows.

Lavender and Echinacea

When you look really close, guess what! There are tiny sprouts of Lavender at the base of last year’s plants. There are new shoots of Echinacea coming up too!


So, at least outside, things are happening!

Tomato Plants

Bert started the tomato seeds in the shop under grow lights the last week of March, so now 3 weeks later, we have plants!

“Super Sauce” tomatoes

Strawberry Plants

I ordered strawberry plants from Burpee in January hoping they wouldn’t arrive until I could plant them. Of course, the arrive in late March all smooshed together in a plastic bag. A week later Bert opened the bag and discovered they were trying desperately to grow so we had to get them into pots. Luckily, I wasn’t sure where I would plant them so I had ordered these stacking pots. He got the plants into the soil and can now move the whole stack outside when the days are warmer and can move the tower back into the shop at night. We will put these pots on the patio and try to keep wandering bunnies and chipmunks from munching on them as they cruise by!

I had just one of these pots. It could be up on a small table or block on the patio.
This many plants didn’t fit in the other pots, so I’ll have to transplant them when the weather warms up. I might move the whole bucket full into a large planter, or I may tuck the plants into our raised garden beds. We’ll see!

So even if the gardens look like they are still asleep, preparations are underway and Mother Nature is noticing the weather is warming! April is always filled with hope for a great garden season! Enjoy!

I’d love to hear about your garden plans! Please comment or email directly at

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