Garden Update June 3, 2021

It’s always encouraging to see how much the garden has grown in two weeks…especially with enough rain on a regular basis! Two weeks ago (May 21) this is what the lettuce and radishes looked like:

May 21, 2021

Today, the radishes are ready to pull and I could make a small salad with the lettuce:

June 3, 2021
Radishes ready for a salad!
Ready for the next batch of seeds!

These are the seeds I planted. I’m pleased with how they did.

The raised planter gets two thumbs up from me! It was easy to keep an eye on the plants…easy to water, thin and harvest without breaking my back! Thank you Kathy and Steve!

Most of the garden looks pretty good too:

Lemon Balm and Stevia (I’ve had to cut back the Stevia. It kept trying to make blossoms and I wanted a bigger plant).
Basil and Rosemary
Rosemary and Thyme
Lavender with carrots on the left. Barely poking through the ground!
Close up of the carrots.. 🙁
Green and Wax beans perking up.
Tomatoes have blossoms!
The Echinacea we started from seed still looks tiny compared to the three plants I bought. Oh well!

At the moment, the rain barrels are full to the brim, the big tank in the garden is full too. So, when it decides to stop raining (which often happens in the middle of the summer when we need it most) we’ll be able to keep the garden consistently watered.

Thanks for letting me share the garden with you! Enjoy!

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