Garden Update May 6, 2022

Seems like it’s time to share our beginnings of this year’s garden. It is still too early to put plants in the ground because we could still have a frost over the next few weeks, but Spring is definitely making obvious inroads.

Our Redbud trees are beautiful and the grass is so green.

Redbud flowers are so stunning in the spring!

The hummingbird feeders are ready and the birds have found them. The geraniums are beautiful this year.

I planted lettuce and radish seeds in the raised planter on the patio.

The Super Sauce tomato plants have thrived under grow lights. Now a little sunshine and wind will toughen them up.

The strawberries are determined to get on with making berries, so off they go!

We’ve got to get the ones in the bucket into a different planter soon!

The cucumbers, Delicata squash and zinnias are still under the grow lights.

Up in the main garden the Lavender is showing signs of surviving the winter. I’m not sure what to trim away, so I guess I’ll just have to wait!

The Echinacea came back so that end of the garden should be pretty this year.

So that’s the tour of what’s happening right now. Soon it will be time to get the rain barrels set up, but we’ll wait another week or two. We set them up last year on April 27, 2021, so we must have been optimistic that the really cold nights were over. If you’d like to read about how we set them up, you can see it here:

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