Grandma Ruth’s Mementos of Valentine’s Day 1933

Growing up, I had heard my mother share stories about her experiences being assigned to a rural one-room school for the 1932-33 school year. She had graduated from high school in 1930 and went on to get a teaching certificate. It was definitely a culture shock for her. She grew up “in town” with many conveniences of the times…like indoor plumbing and central heating (probably coal).

Ruth Lowry 1930.

Besides having to live with a nearby family, she had to walk a distance to the school, start a fire in the stove, do general maintenance for the school building and get the classroom ready for 23 students from grades 1-8. The living experience by itself was new; then she had the challenges of her first year of teaching! she was a small, shy woman…barely 5’4″ tall. The older students (boys especially) were tough farm kids who often did not want to be there. Learning to teach a class of mixed ages was a challenge in the first place. Over the years she would share little tidbits of experiences that wore her down by the end of the year. She taught only one year!

A sample classroom in a one-room school.

From my memory of her stories, the whole year was a traumatic experience for her. Recently, I was going through a small photo album of hers from that time and saw a photo of that class. Her note on the picture says it all!

I also came across a box of valentines she had saved from that year…very interesting collection! Most of the valentines were signed politely on the back with “To Miss Lowry” and signed with a full name, many in neat cursive writing! Maybe by February 1933 things had settled down in her classroom!

I thought you might like to see how clever some of the valentines were:

#1 Front
#1 Inside
#1 Back
#2 This one came flat…
#2 …and opened to be three-dimensional!
#3 This is signed by Gertrude Lee. She was Ruth’s best friend all through high school.
#3 Back
#4 Front
#4 Back. Maybe this one came from my dad who was teaching at a different one-room school in the area??
#5 Front
#5 Inside. No signature.
#6 & #7 Front
#6 & #7 Inside
#6 & #7 Back

It’s been a long time since I bought a box of valentines for a whole class, but I suspect none of them have such poetic ways to say, “Be My Valentine!” I wonder if kids today could write poems like these? What a treasured memory of my mother! Enjoy!

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