Sad as it is, our gardens in November look very similar to how they looked in the early spring (see Of course, we had snow on the ground then, but who knows…it could snow this weekend!
Bert has almost everything tidied up except the partial row of carrots that we will probably dig up next week. Here’s how things look now:
The Dogwood trees are done and I imagine the first snow will bring down the leaves.The whole row of dogwood trees look pretty sad…but notice how green the grass still is! Bert will mow one more time before putting the mowers away.The Lemongrass is no longer green thanks to the frosts…we’re not sure whether to just cut it off or leave it until spring.For some reason the chamomile stays green most of the winter. I did cut it back a few weeks ago, but it is still growing!I cut the Lemon Balm back a few weeks ago, almost down to ground level, but it is determined to stay green a little longer.The bright green carrots on the left will be dug up this next week. The Lavender will probably not come back next year, but we’re going to leave it alone and see what happens in the spring.The rest of the garden will have a good rest until spring.And my dear Echinacea will drop all those seed soon. Hopefully we’ll have a nice full patch of flowers next year.The Butternut trees dropped their leaves quite quickly after the first frost.And of course, Bert has removed the rain barrels for the winter and connected the spouting back up on the shop. If you want to see how he hooks them up, see
So, the next posting about the garden will be next spring. Maybe I’ll have to share snow pictures for all you folks in California, Texas and Florida…just to remind you what you’re missing! Enjoy!