Making an Eye Cream for Dark Circles and Puffy Eyes

Not enough sleep? Allergies making you look like you didn’t get enough sleep? For a while I’ve wanted to try this recipe for an eye cream. I had seen various brands of specialty eye cream for sale but somehow the cost seemed extreme. when I stumbled upon this recipe on one of my favorite websites, I thought I’d give it a try ( This author has many DIY recipes that are easy to follow and she provides good supporting research on the ingredients used. Many of the products I make started with one of her recipes. Check it out.

For this eye cream, the cost of the ingredients made a good case for just ordering something already made. However, where would be the fun in that! I’m always trying to find and use products that have the least amount of chemicals and artificial ingredients. The older I get, the more sensitive I am to various products I use. Plus, if I can make it myself, I’ll be able to make more if I need to. That makes me smile!

This eye cream begins by making a coffee-infused oil, similar to the infused oils I’ve made with calendula and lavender flower buds, except it took longer because I couldn’t simmer it on the stove and be done in one day. This recipe required me to soak coffee grounds in rosehip seed oil for a week, shaking the jar every day.

I put the jar on my desk so I could keep an eye on it and finally today I strained out the grounds. No small task! The grounds had made a thick sludge on the bottom that I could barely scrape out. Next time I’ll use more oil (and possibly substitute Sunflower oil, which is less expensive) so I can keep it loose…maybe even open the jar and stir it up with a long-handled spoon.

After pouring out as much as I could to strain out the oil, I ended up scraping the grounds, filling the jar with soap water and dumping the slurry outside. I didn’t want that oily mess going down the drain.

Pretty disgusting!

I lined my strainer with cheesecloth and poured the oil through it. When it finished draining, I picked up the cheesecloth mess and threw it in the garbage.

Then, I strained it twice more, finally using four layers of cheesecloth to filter out the last of the grounds.

Finally, the grounds are gone!

Now, I was ready to use this coffee-infused oil in the recipe for the Eye Cream. Here is the recipe:

The beeswax, rosehip seed oil and coffee-infused oil melted together first.

It didn’t take long to melt the beeswax. Then, I added these oils and stirred them in:

Using a disposable pipette I filled the lip balm tubes (sorry, forgot to take a picture!)

When they were cool, I labeled them and made the ingredient cards to go with them. I’ll have to figure out how much information to put on the back of the card. I’d like to include the last two paragraphs of the recipe on the card:

Hopefully, I’ll find some willing friends to test the cream with me to see if it actually works!

All the ingredients are available on Amazon…I did pick up the ground coffee at the grocery store. Give it a try! Enjoy!

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