Tiny Signs of Spring

Spring seems to be sliding quietly into our awareness here in central Pennsylvania. I thought I’d show you a few tiny signs that let me know it’s almost time to celebrate SPRING!

One of the most obvious signs is the green grass and dwindling wood piles. The wood for the shop and the house is visibly reduced. There would have been even less, except Bert had knee surgery a month ago and we’ve depended on electric heat.

Shop wood pile.
Wood for the house…half gone.

The raised planter needed some repair work after the wind blew it over and cracked the top section. Bert reinforced the corners and sealed it again. Now it’s ready for the containers of dirt that sit inside.

Up in the garden, the echinacea look pretty dormant…

But up close you can see the new plants venturing out!

Tiny echinacea plants!
This row of forsythia doesn’t look very exciting but…
…it won’t be long until they’ll look really pretty!
I cut a few branches and brought them inside a few days ago.
They were ready to pop!

These tiny signs give me hope that Spring can’t be far behind!

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