Beautiful Forsythia in the Fall

I’ve enjoyed watching our forsythia plants that follow our property line from last spring with lovely yellow flowers, through the summer with lots of green growth to now, with the leaves turning yellow. I just didn’t realize we’d have such a display of color this fall.

In the spring, we had our first display of yellow flowers, even though the plants were pretty small:

After a summer of growth, the plants are huge and filled out nicely…but I didn’t expect to see another flash of color this fall! What a fun surprise! The forsythia seems to be the plant that keeps on giving!

I’m looking forward to next spring already! Enjoy!

3 thoughts on “Beautiful Forsythia in the Fall”

  1. Dear Aunt Mary. Your observations on the vegetation around your home indicate that you would make a good botanist. It must be in the genes! Keep observing and enjoying the beauties of God’s marvelous creation 🙂.

  2. Thanks Paul! I can hardly pretend to follow in your footsteps but I think we should all appreciate the world around us. Now, we could use some rain here to keep the fire hazard down in the woods before hunting season!

  3. I don’t think it’s normal. I have many plants & have never seen it. (Including this year, but I’m cooler than you are.) It might be warming trend & you know it pains me to say it. I have a few varieties greening again too. Cause: Undetermined.

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