Blog Update September 19, 2023

I am stymied by issues with WordPress, the program that is the base of my website. I can’t seem to insert pictures and other features of the site just don’t work well. Very frustrating! I will need to communicate with WordPress for technical advice.

Until I can get things back up and running, know that I’m still doing stuff! Sweet potatoes are out of the pot and a retro apron for my granddaughter is finished. Bert heads off for his second cataract surgery tomorrow so I’ll be away from my desk a while. Hopefully, I can get things figured out quickly.

Please let me know if there’s anything I’m doing that you’d like to know more about. I’ll either reply with an email or make a whole post about it…as soon as I figure out these glitches.

You can email me at



4 thoughts on “Blog Update September 19, 2023”

  1. I love your vintage fashion inspired work! Like the dress for your granddaughter It’s one of my favorite posts

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