Garden Update June 7, 2022

Did you know garbanzo bean plants look nothing like standard bean plants? What a surprise! We are growing seven different kinds of beans this year…two standard snap beans we will pick at their peak of freshness; plus five shell beans we will let mature and dry on the plants right in the garden until fall. Today I just want to share how all the beans are doing.

All the bean plants are now about 8″ tall and look really healthy, but I’ve been noticing how different the garbanzo bean plants look. Check it out:

Green beans
Yellow beans
Painted Pony beans
Calypso beans
Cranberry beans
Bert Deanne’s Baking Beans
Garbanzo beans. Check out those leaves!

So, I tried to do a little research about garbanzo beans but could not find anything that explained why the leaves were so different. And then I found a picture of what the garbanzo bean pods will look like. I was so glad to have a heads up on what to expect!

The rest of the garden is coming along fine…more about other parts of the garden soon.

Please comment or email me directly if you know more about why the garbanzo bean plants look so different at

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