Making Chocolate Pecan Granola Bars

Trying to find a sweet healthy snack food is hard when I have to avoid eggs and dairy, so when I found this recipe on Facebook I thought I’d give it a try. The author of this website ( is Brandi Doming, who also wrote a cookbook by the same name. Her recipes are simple and easy to follow.

Here is the recipe:

The hardest part of this recipe was getting the pan ready! Lining an 8×8″ pan with parchment paper was a real pain! I ended up first trimming the paper to fit the width of the pan, twice, and then trying to anchor it to stay put. I finally grabbed some clothespins to hold it until I could pour in the mixture.

Looks really professional, doesn’t it! Haha!

Here are the dry ingredients:

In the end, I did add the 1/2 cup of white sugar (on the recipe but not in the picture) because I remembered the cocoa powder tended to be a little bitter.

The brown rice crisp cereal is just whole grain “Rice Krispies.” At the store I kept looking for a flake cereal…wrong!

Dry ingredients.
Dry ingredients mixed up.

I set this bowl aside and started on the wet ingredients. Here they are:

Wet ingredients.
Maple syrup and almond butter…looked pretty disgusting, but eventually smoothed out!

The I added the flaxseed, vanilla and salt to the mixture and heated until bubbling.

Ready to mix into the dry ingredients.

When the wet and dry ingredients were well mixed, I spooned the mixture into the prepared pan. Pressing it down into the corners was important.

After filling the pan, I was able to trim the parchment so it didn’t drag on the shelf of the oven.

After baking for 27 minutes and cooling for 30 minutes I was able to cut it into 8 bars. It didn’t feel like it would stick together if I cut it too small. Then I slid the pan into the refrigerator to finish cooling.

When fully cool, I was able to lift the parchment out of the pan completely and remove the bars. They mostly stuck together and I put each bar in a small zip bag. I really think I’ll eat it like trail mix.

Next time I’ll work harder to pack it tighter in the pan. That might help it stick together better! However, it did taste good! That’s what counts! Enjoy!

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