Garden Update July 15, 2022

Things are ripening fast. Time to share what we’re able to enjoy from the garden. The echinacea plants are going crazy and the bees love them. So pretty…they make me smile!

I’ve picked all the green and yellow beans. I ended up with 6 pounds of beans so I have enough that I can make a big batch of 4-bean salad. I will can them in pints, adding canned kidney beans, canned chickpeas, red sweet pepper, onion and a pickling brine. I’ll be doing that tomorrow so I’ll post that recipe and pictures in a few days.

The single row of beans that are next to the carrots will be ready in a few weeks and we’ll just eat them.

Here are some other things that we can eat right now…or soon!

The Black Seeded Simpson lettuce is looking good.
We’ve been eating radishes. The ones on the right are just beginning. I’ll replant the spaces on the left as soon as I pull the remaining ones.
The one pot of strawberries is trying so hard…I doubt if we’ll have more than a few to eat unless the chipmunks get them first!
The yellow cherry tomatoes are great to toss in salads.
The Super Sauce tomatoes are ripening fast. We’re ready to add them to meals.
The Delicata squash is finally getting those green stripes. I’m not exactly sure when they are ripe…so we’ll have to experiment.
The cucumbers are producing and I’ve been able to have at least one cucumber every day for a week or two. Love them!
These are the Calypso shell beans. They will stay in the garden until fall but I couldn’t resist seeing what’s happening inside. they are supposed to be black and white when they are ready.

Certainly not ready yet!
I think part of the plant thinks it’s fall! The Garbanzo beans (chickpeas) are hanging in there. I just had to see what was happening inside the pod.

Looks like each pod has two beans (peas).

So that’s what’s happening in our backyard. We’ve not had a significant rainfall for several weeks so the grass looks pretty brown, but we’ve been able to keep the garden watered thanks to the rain barrels. If it doesn’t rain soon, we’ll have to drag the hose up the hill to the garden to keep things green. Oh, the life of a gardener! I feel for the farmers who can’t solve the rain deficit with just a hose.

Off to prep the green and yellow beans for canning tomorrow! Enjoy!

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2 thoughts on “Garden Update July 15, 2022”

  1. I’ve been wondering what the garbanzo beans would look like — thanks for the exclusive view!

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