Garden Update and Grandkids

We had a beautiful day yesterday and enjoyed a visit with Kathy, Ben and Anna! It was also time to plant a few more things in the garden. We’re pretty confident that we won’t see a killing frost in the next week or two (smile…you never know!)

The radishes are doing well. I’m always grateful they are in the waist-high planters so I can keep an eye on them.

Bert planted the tiny Rose Bush we were given as a gift into a very large pot on the patio (thanks Barbara and Bill). We’ll see how much it can grow outside this summer before we consider a more permanent location.

The Sugar Snap Peas look pretty tiny, but if you look carefully, they are already sending out little runners (on the upper left).

In the fenced area by the patio, we decided to add two yellow-pear tomato plants to the potatoes that came up from last year. We’ll see how many potatoes actually grow! (Tomato plant on the right, potato on the left by the fence.) Guess that will be our experiment this year.

The rest of the tomatoes were planted up in the garden on the hill. Bert planted six SuperSauce tomatoes (like hefty Roma tomatoes) and six “Bodacious” plants (that are supposed to get pretty big) just for fun!

We still have some tomato plants left that have been promised to friends so we’ll deliver them soon.

Finally, the lavender and echinacea are quietly getting bigger. Soon flowers will bookend our garden on the hill!

We enjoyed Kathy, Ben (almost 17) and Anna (almost 12) for the day! I was able to unload some books from my shelves to the kids…part of my secret plan to start downsizing…sending them home with a bag of stuff each time they come to visit!

Of course, I can’t seem to remember to take pictures, but as they left, I managed to snag a few selfies. The kids are growing up so fast!

I hope you had a good day also!

2 thoughts on “Garden Update and Grandkids”

  1. Those were great pictures of you and Bert with the kids. Garden looks perfect…lots of canning and freezing ahead!! Take care. Karen

  2. Thanks Karen! Seems to be time to check my supply of canning jars and lids. We decided to try zucchini this year. Might be a mistake but I’m collecting recipes to get ready!

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