Low-Key Birthday Celebration

We headed south on Friday to visit Bert’s sister and her husband. They live in Greencastle, Pennsylvania…right near the PA/Maryland border. It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky. A great day to celebrate my birthday (of course, anything past 39 doesn’t count!). We thought we might see beautiful fall color, however it seems this year the leaves sort of turned muted colors of yellow and gold and then turned brown and dropped.

The only really red splash of color was an occasional Burning Bush. It seemed unnatural with everything else so drab.

I took this picture the day before…so of course there were clouds in the sky!

We had a good visit with Bert’s sister, Joanne, and her husband Mark.

Hard to believe we’re 75 years old! But I’ll always be 9 months younger than Bert!

Then we ventured out to have dinner at The Grille at the Runways, which is part of the Rider Jet Center at the Hagerstown Airport. This restaurant is part of the complex for private flights and offered quite a view of the runway used by these private planes.

Of course, any photos I tried to capture from their website would not come through, but here’s the description of the Center:

Rider Jet Center is Western Maryland’s newest and finest full service Fixed Base Operator (FBO). Based at Hagerstown Regional Airport (KHGR) in Hagerstown, MD, Rider Jet Center offers only the highest level of aviation service to all aircraft, pilots and passengers. Rider Jet Center is a perfect location to remotely base your Washington / Baltimore corporate flight department. With over 40,000 sq. ft. of heated hangar space and 10,000 sq. ft of office space, Rider Jet Center is capable of storing aircraft as large as a Gulfstream or a Global Express and accommodating the necessary staff to support them. We are conveniently located in the northwest corner of Hagerstown Regional Airport on the west apron. Our terminal and hangars are capable of servicing business and private travelers’ needs while visiting the Hagerstown area.

I wanted to share this description because during dinner we were captivated by the view out the huge windows in the restaurant. Here are some pictures of the planes and sunset we saw:

We sat at a table beside the pilots of the Civil Air Patrol plane you see above. Other than that, it seemed the rest of the patrons of the restaurant were ordinary local people from the surrounding community…like us!

Outside the restaurant was a gift shop and displays of airplane models. We were told this private airstrip welcomes celebrities like Jay Leno, and others. We did not see any famous people!

Here are some of the displays in the lobby:

So, we had a great visit, enjoyed a beautiful drive down and back, and had a great dinner. This was a pretty low-key celebration for my birthday, but after all these years it was just perfect!

Please comment or email me directly if you have questions at marykisner@comcast.net.

When Does a Chicken Need a Coat?

A few years ago I had a request to make a coat for a chicken. Who knew they would ever need one!

Apparently, hens can get damaged feathers and broken skin from mating males or even from other hens pecking on them…you’ve heard of the “pecking order,” right? I had no idea, but I guess folks that raise chickens see the need for these now and then.

A chicken “saddle” or “hen apron” are all names used for the same thing. It’s a little “apron looking” little piece of material that is used to put on your hens’ backs to protect their feathers. It protects their feathers, allowing them time to grow back. The soft elastic wraps around their wings.

Turns out a friend had some free-range chickens and they were picking on one in particular. Her tail feathers were being pecked out and the poor thing wouldn’t come out of the corner to eat. Hmmm…first a little research was in order. Amazingly, Pinterest had several patterns to make these little “coats.”

The pattern was pretty simple, but of course I didn’t have a chicken to measure so I made one first and had the owner try it on the chicken. Then I adjusted the elastic and general shape until it was right for that chicken.

My first try was a double layer of flannel (see above). The second one was made of denim so it could withstand the pecking better.

It protected the chicken at risk and eventually the tail feathers grew back and the chicken finally risked coming out of the corner to eat dinner. I guess it helps break the habits of aggressive chickens.

I ended up making 3 or 4 coats, including a few that were barely half this size for a very small breed of chicken.

This was an interesting adventure into making unusual “coats” for chickens!

In my research, I found coats are often made for sheep to keep their wool clean until they are sheared. This is really helpful if the wool is going to be spun into yarn…much easier to process the fibers if they start out clean. Of course, it’s also common to provide coats for warmth to goats and horses, but luckily, I haven’t been asked to make those yet! I think I’ll stick with greyhound coats! Enjoy!

Please comment or email me directly at marykisner@comcast.net.

Cozy Coats for Greyhounds

Today began a marathon to crank out some cozy coats for the greyhounds. All of a sudden, Nittany Greyhounds has a full house and adoptions are happening fast. My work with Nittany Greyhounds started years ago, when I was asked to make some coats for the greyhounds. The dogs arrive in Pennsylvania from around the country…and recently, even from Ireland! The group wanted to be able to offer a coat to new adopters but at that time finding a source for coats that fit the unique shape of the dogs was difficult, expensive or didn’t fit well anyway. So, I took on the challenge to make a coat that fit. Thus began my work volunteering with Nittany Greyhounds. Now, years later, we have a coat pattern that works! Let the shopping begin!

Toni and I spent a productive hour at JoAnn Fabrics to find a stack of cozy fleece.

At one point over the years we tried to make some of the small coats to look cute for the females, but because some of the females needed large coats and some of the males needed small coats, there was always a mismatch between the number of dogs and the number of coats in the right size. It was much more efficient to make coats in neutral prints and colors in both small and large sizes.

This coat would only work for a small female, if the owner didn’t mind frills!

At the beginning the coats had a shorter turtle neck…called a snood. (Not sure where that name came from.)

Over the years the “snood” kept getting longer to accommodate their long necks and sensitive ears. Now this “snood” can be pulled up over their ears for warmth if needed.

Since many of the dogs wear coats inside and out, we had to do some testing to see how the coat worked when they laid down. This coat looked good when the dog was standing, but scrunched up when he laid in his bed:

I had to change my fabric to all fleece AND I had to expand the pattern across the chest area.

You can see how my pattern has had to change over the years. This iteration has worked for a while so it’s probably time to lay the pattern on some new grid paper and cut out a new one!

Can’t you see a greyhound in this coat running across the snow this winter!

Time to get to work! Enjoy!

Please comment or email me directly at maryjkisner@gmail.com.

DIY Perfume

If you have purchased any perfumes recently, you’ll know even a small bottle can sometimes be expensive. With all the essential oils I have around, it seems I could create a simple perfume that would satisfy me. Of course, it would be too easy to just look up the perfume I use, and like, and find a list of the scents or ingredients involved! I don’t think so. I guess those ingredients are classified as “trade secrets.”

Even trying to recognize the scents in my favorite perfume is beyond the talents of my nose! I bought a few books about how perfumes are developed and did discover quite a lot of discussion about top notes, middle notes and base notes. I can smell my essential oils one at a time and sort of see how they got classified, but in a mixture I’m at a loss.

Luckily, there are many simplified explanations and recipes online that demonstrate how certain scents work together. Recipes I can follow! One online site had recipes for three ways to make perfumes…an oil mixture in a roller ball; a solid mixture with scents added to an oil/beeswax combination; and a spray with an alcohol base with scents added.

This site can be found at https://simplepurebeauty.com/. You can find many more recipes by just searching for “make your own perfume.”

So today, I thought I’d try to make a roll-on perfume and a solid perfume. I’ll leave the spray for another time.

DIY Roll-on Perfume

I started with this recipe:

First, I got out an empty roller ball bottle. It came with a tool that’s pretty slick to get the ball out of the bottle and a tiny funnel.

That little half-circle slides right under the base of the ball and with a twist the ball comes right out. The tool came in the box with the roller balls.

This is the recipe I used:

First, I added the drops of essential oil to the bottle.
These are the three essential oils I used.

Once the essential oils are in the bottle, I just filled it the rest of the way with grapeseed oil (you could use almond oil, jojoba oil, or olive oil).

The best part about this recipe…it made just one bottle! If I don’t like it, I can wash it out and use the bottle again.

DIY Solid Perfume

Here’s the recipe I started with.

I adjusted the recipe to make a little more…big mistake! I now have enough perfume to last me quite a while. This is my adjusted recipe:

This process was much more familiar to me, since many of my lotion bars and salves are made the same way.

I started with the grapeseed oil and beeswax:

I melted them in a glass measuring cup in a pan of boiling water.

When it was all melted, I stirred in the 5 essential oils (see the recipe above) and poured it into small containers. I labeled the small containers:

At the end of all this, I had two similar smelling perfumes. Now we’ll see if I like applying the perfume with a roller ball or my finger…and which scent lasts longer. Then we’ll see if I’m ready to try a spray! Enjoy!

Please comment or email me directly at marykisner@comcast.net.

Benefits of Subscribing to my Blog

Thank you to all my readers! Many of you come to my site because you follow my Facebook page. Soon, I would like to stop using Facebook to share links to my Blog…too many ads! Since I don’t post something every day, I’d like to encourage you to “subscribe” to my blog. That means when I do post, my computer sends your computer an email telling you that I’ve posted. You can subscribe by entering your email address at the bottom of the Welcome page. I will never use your email address for anything else, but you don’t have to wonder if I’ve posted.

Benefit 1

To thank you for signing up I’d like to send you a PDF listing of all 100 articles with hot links to each. I realize on the Welcome page there is a drop-down menu of the categories of the articles I’ve written so far. Frankly, I find it a clumsy way to find an article, even for me, and I know what I’ve written! If you have already subscribed, I’ll send out the PDF to you right away! Here is what it looks like:

Benefit 2

Once you’ve received the list, if you would like a PDF of a specific article, send me an email (marykisner@comcast.net) and I’ll email it out to you. Feel free to share the tutorials with others…who knows, you may find ways to adapt them for your own use.

If you have suggestions for projects you think I should try, send me an email anytime! (marykisner@comcast.net)


Celebrating My 100th Blog Post! FAQ About My Website

To celebrate my 100th blog post today, I thought I’d share some of the frequently asked questions I get about my website and the things I make. My first post was on January 18, 2021 about Door Quilts. Since then, I’ve described many of the projects I’ve done over the years…mostly since I retired in 2008. Most of my career in education involved creating instructional materials for all age groups. I can see I haven’t stopped creating instructional materials, I’ve just changed the focus of the materials. My greatest joy comes in being able to explain what I’m making so someone else could try it too. Learning to share these projects in a website has been an adventure in itself.

Here are four Frequently Asked Questions about my website:

  1. What inspired you to start the website? My inspiration for starting the website came from other “lifestyle” blogs that I read online and the isolation from the Covid Virus. The blogs are often written by women as a way to share their activities. You might enjoy their sites too, including Rural-Revolution (https://rural-revolution.com/) authored by Patrice Lewis; and Strategic Living Blog (https://strategiclivingblog.com/) authored by Gaye Levy. They have found a way to share their day-to-day activities in a way that appeals to many women across the country, even if our situations are not exactly the same. Of course, my go-to website when I’m researching how to make something is Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/). Writing is a way to keep my brain active and at the same time, share fun projects with others.

2. Why don’t you just use Facebook? Before January 2021 I did try to share things on Facebook. It is tempting to get excited about how many “likes” a posting generates. However, the Facebook platform does not lend itself to longer explanations of how to make something. Since I don’t have the skills to make YouTube videos, I’m focusing on written instructions with photos. Even now, when I post a paragraph with a few photos, I can’t count on Facebook to show the whole paragraph…sometimes just the photos pop up! Very frustrating. I’ll use Facebook to share that I posted, but I’d love to have you go to my site to see, “the rest of the story!”

3. Why don’t you sell the stuff you make? HaHa!! Have you seen the rules and regulations for home crafted items? The government bureaucracy has incredible reach into all areas of our lives…of course, mostly to protect us from harmful ingredients or untrue claims. I have no problem with the principle…we all care about what we put on or in our bodies…but considering the variety of things I dabble in, I couldn’t possibly keep up and stay within the requirements for each item. If I want to sell a stuffed toy, I must document that the fabric and stuffing is safe for children and be approved by a government agency. A tag must be attached to the toy showing I have filed, and paid for, the proper approvals.

If I want to sell a skin care product or a food product, my kitchen and ingredients must be inspected and approved by a government agency…and documented on the label someplace. All food products are required to have this list of ingredients with the final statement showing if it has any of the 8 most common allergens: Egg, Milk, Wheat, Soy, Tree Nuts, Peanuts, Shellfish or Fish. Obviously, Milk could mean cheese, butter, cream or yogurt!

The rules are pretty loose for items sold at craft shows, but the risk is always there…and the fines are huge! I do try to include a card with every item I give away that has a list of all the ingredients in my soap or skin care product. Instructions about how to use a product, like the lotion bars or salve, are included too.

Anyway, besides the fact that I don’t want to get into retail sales or the shipping business, I’d rather offer a way for you to learn how to do it yourself. So, please feel free to use my posts as tutorials and share with other like-minded folks.

I suppose I could package the “Fabric Projects” into a book or offer workshops to groups, but at the moment I’m having fun just doing, and documenting what I’m doing. It’s keeping me sane!

If you have received something I’ve made, it’s because when I’m learning how to do something, I’ll make more than one, or the batch will make 10+ of something. I do not have room to store all this stuff, so if you are passing by you may receive something from me. If you don’t want it, no problem. Feel free to pass it on to someone else. Thanks!

If you wonder why I’m giving stuff away instead of selling it, please read #3 again!

4. Why don’t you focus on one kind of craft? I would feel limited by having to choose. I guess they are all crafts of one kind or another. I really am NOT ADHD, believe it or not. I just get bored easily. I enjoy the challenge of learning something new and when I’ve tried it and get comfortable, I’m ready to switch to some other project. I am now surrounded with enough raw materials…from fabric and sewing supplies, to melt and pour soaps, to essential oils…that I can easily do something different every day! Joy!

I know I have a variety of readers…from beloved family members…to friends…to friends of friends. You are all interested in something different. Some folks specifically ask me to, “…please mention how you set up your rain barrels;” or, “…how do you make your oatmeal bread?” and even, “Have you tried making perfume yet?” I know each post might be of interest to some folks and not others and that’s fine. The Welcome page lists the last 10 most recent posts, so hopefully something will be of interest to you!

As always, please comment or email me directly at marykisner@comcast.net.

Internet Down, Change of Plans

Yesterday we headed out before 8 a.m. for our yearly appointments with the eye doctor. While I was waiting for Bert to finish his appointment, I mentally made a list of the things I needed to do when we got home…most had to do with things I needed to finish online. I needed to finish downloading a book to read; I wanted to print out a recipe I had found the day before about using essential oils to make a serum to use to strengthen my nails; and I had email to send out. Top of the list was to send a text to our daughter about a possible visit after Thanksgiving.

When we got home…a little bleary-eyed from having our eyes dilated…lo and behold we discovered our internet service was down and the TV was not available. Then we found our AT&T cell service was also not working! Rats!

For the first hour or two, we were struggling to figure out if it was problem with our computers, the router, or our wiring, etc. We determined it was not our equipment. (Later, we heard that a huge off-road dump truck at a nearby quarry had forgotten to lower his truck bed and had tangled with poles and wires serving both the internet service and AT&T!) Service was out for the whole day!

So, now plans needed to change! First, I needed to get in touch with our daughter…but text, email and cell phone calls were out. Luckily, we still have our land line so I could call her. After that, we settled in with “real books” and enjoyed some quiet time.

I usually reach for the TV music channel for background music while we read so I found music on my phone and with bluetooth was able to connect with the small Bose speaker in the living room. Perfect!

Next, I melted down some soap to make more individual soaps for gifts.

Finally, I made a small batch of applesauce from some apples given to us by a neighbor. Yum!

A nice quiet day! I must say it was pretty quiet without any spam phone calls and nuisance emails and texts. Of course, when the power was restored we played catch up…the phone started ringing with junk calls and I had over 50 junk emails! Actually, this was a good reminder to print out recipes and download books when I can…just in case!

I hope you have some real books to read on your shelf and other projects available in case this happens to you! Outdoor activities away from technology will always be available too. I hope you had an uneventful week!

Please comment or email me directly at marykisner@comcast.net.

Manuka Essential Oil Fact Sheet

I’d like to share what I’ve learned about Manuka Essential Oil. This article is a summary of several research papers about Manuka essential oil. (See additional resources listed at the end of this article). I use Manuka essential oil in almost every soap and body product I make to enhance the product’s healing properties. I thought you might like to know more about it.

What is Manuka?

Manuka is a fast-growing evergreen shrub that is quite hardy and can grow up to 12 in height. Its deep green leaves are set off by small flowers that blossom either white or pink from September through February.

Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) is native to New Zealand. It is a member of the Myrtaceae family of plants, which includes tea tree (Maleleuca alternifolia). In fact, manuka is considered to be the original tea tree, as the Maori people have long used it medicinally. Manuka essential oil smells like earthy camphor while being slightly sweet balsamic. You may notice it being herbaceous and the sweetness almost honey-like.

What is the difference between Manuka Essential Oil and Manuka Honey?

Both products are made in New Zealand. Manuka honey comes from bees pollinating the native Leptospermum tree. Manuka essential oil, on the other hand, comes from sustainable harvesting the leaves of the Manuka trees/flowers and extracting the oil through steam distillation. Manuka essential oil has antibacterial benefits that are about 100 times stronger than Manuka honey when compared gram for gram! Manuka essential oil is 100% vegan, while Manuka honey is an animal byproduct.

How does Manuka Essential Oil compare to Tea Tree Oil?

Manuka essential oil has tons of phytonutrients that make it one of the most potent essential oils available on the market today. According to one study, Manuka oil has stronger antioxidant activity than tea tree oil, giving it more fighting power against free radicals. It is also less irritating than tea tree oil when applied in small amounts to the skin.

Benefits of Manuka Essential Oil

In lab research out of a university in Italy, several essential oils were tested against 14 different strains of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (including Methicillin-Resistant…or MRSA), which causes staph infections. After oregano oil, the one that exhibited the highest antibacterial activity was Manuka Essential Oil.

Uses of Manuka Essential Oil for Humans

With all the encouraging research on the effectiveness of using Manuka essential oil topically, many companies are working on formulas to incorporate this oil into skin care products. Athlete’s Foot, dandruff, eczema and acne are all conditions that may be helped with this oil. Internal use of essential oils is still being studied. These oils are also being considered as components in outdoor products to prevent mold and mildew and aphid infestations.

Uses of Manuka Essential Oil in Canine Care

Fleas and ticks are a huge problem for our canine friends. One solution is to give your dog a pill that works systemically…the flea bites the dog and then dies, often leaving an irritating bite or wound on the dog’s skin. To avoid having to give your dog a medication, it would be nice to keep the fleas and ticks away from the dog in the first place.

A few drops of Manuka essential oil can be incorporated into three ounces of chemical-free shampoo to remove fleas and ticks before they bite. To soothe irritating sores from bites, a drop of Manuka essential oil (diluted with a teaspoon of a carrier oil like grapeseed oil or sweet almond oil) may be applied directly to their skin. To help deter the fleas and ticks from even landing on their fur, a natural bug repellent spray made with various essential oils, including Manuka, may help between shampooing. I have added Manuka essential oil to my aloe vera soap/dog shampoo to strengthen its healing properties. Manuka essential oil is also a major component to my natural bug spray. (see https://marykisner.com/greyhounds-still-in-my-heart/)

I’m sure you’ll be hearing more about the healing properties of Manuka honey and Manuka essential oil in the next few years! Enjoy!


When used according to instructions, this essential oil is generally well-tolerated, however adverse reactions are possible: (1) It may cause skin irritation (2) If you are allergic to bees, you should avoid Manuka honey, while the risk of a separate allergy to the Manuka essential oil is possible but not common, (3) There is unknown safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Do not take any oils internally and do not apply undiluted essential oils onto the skin without advanced essential oil knowledge or consultation from a qualified aromatherapy practitioner. If you are pregnant, epileptic, have liver damage, have cancer, or have any other medical problem, use oils only under the proper guidance of your medical professional.

Additional Resources:









Exploring an Indoor Yard Sale or Flea Market

Yesterday I spent the day helping with the indoor yard sale sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary to the Boalsburg Fire Company. The fire hall was filled with tables that were rented out to individuals in the community to display their own items for sale. This was closer to the Flea Market model. I helped with the table displaying items from the members of the Ladies Auxiliary.

Sales formats of markets could be classified by size…like yard sales (with one seller), flea markets (with many individual sellers), or estate sales (providing the goods from one family estate); or by the kind of goods, like hand crafted items, glassware or tools.

It is easy for me to get overwhelmed when I first go to a sale. So many neat things available, so many choices! I am easily distracted by things that folks have offered for sale. Of course, I really don’t NEED any more stuff, but as a crafter and seamstress, I’m especially attracted to beautiful things other creative people have made.

Lovely handmade totebags!
Halloween outdoor decorations!
Hand painted items.
Seasonal decorator items.

Often, I’ll find evidence of the kinds of things folks collect, from glassware or jewelry to puzzles and collector dolls.

Red ruby glassware reminded me of my mother’s collection. Luckily, I have enough so I wasn’t tempted to add to my collection!
Jewelry from pins and rings and more!
Puzzles galore!
Beautiful collector dolls.

I especially enjoy talking with the sellers. It’s fun to find out where they find their items, what motivated them to collect certain items or how they made the items for sale.

I managed to control myself and found only a few things that just had to come home with me.

Of course, a handmade tote bag was first on my list. A wonderful visit with the seller made it even more enticing. I truly can appreciate the work that went into this bag. Thanks Susan!
Then I found three books hidden under a pile of paperbacks. Not bad for 50 cents each!
The grandkids might find this book interesting. I know I will!

It would be so easy to fall in love with many items offered for sale, like old toys that I remember from long ago or a beautiful glass vase that would just go with my decor. However, at this stage in my life I must remember I still have a lot of stuff in my cupboards that should probably grace a yard sale table at some point!

I also enjoy exploring yard sales and flea markets for items I can repurpose, like the vintage hankies I picked up at the Apple Hill Antique Store (see https://marykisner.com/finding-vintage-fabric-at-apple-hill-antiques/).

Yesterday, I resisted picking up things I would never use and went with the lovely tote bag I will use and some books the grandkids might enjoy reading.

Explore a yard sale or flea market near you! Enjoy!

Please comment or email me directly at marykisner@comcast.net.

Hydrate With Sweet Drops in Your Water

Water, water everywhere! One pass through the “water” or “soda” aisle in the grocery store can be enlightening. We can buy plain water...bottled from local tap water or spring water from someplace else; carbonated water…with added fizz; flavored water…with added sugar, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners from sucralose to aspartame, to natural sweeteners from fruit to stevia; and water that’s been incorporated into soda drinks, with sweeteners and caffeine. So many choices and so expensive!

Apparently, many of us are still dehydrated! Hard to believe, I know! I guess our bodies know when we aren’t getting enough water. Sugar water with fizz makes us think we are drinking enough, but our bodies still have to filter out the sugar and other chemicals to make use of the water. So, the advice out there is to drink more plain water!

I’m still working on drinking more water (see https://marykisner.com/from-the-bookshelf-infused-water/). While the water infused with fruit and herbs was interesting and tasty, it was just not easy to work into my day. I prefer bottled water or water in a thermos when I’m driving, or ice water in a restaurant, and I found I was still reaching for diet soda at home. I’m now going to try harder to drink more water and get the diet soda out of my life!

I remembered I had these Sweet Drops in my cupboard and pulled them out.

It says on the bottle: “each tiny 2 oz. bottle will flavor over 200 8 oz. glasses of water!” (Each bottle costs about $6.00). The Drops are made with Stevia, a natural sweetener. Some folks say they don’t like the after-taste of Stevia, but I think they are using too much. Five drops are enough to counteract the chlorine taste in the water and ice cubes and generally make the water “taste” better. The goal is not to make a sweet soda-like drink out of these drops, but to make the water itself more appealing. Some of the flavors come in drops like this:

I think the drops must be “bigger” since this has only 32 servings!

You can find these drops on Amazon and possibly your Health Food Store. Another idea is to add a splash of ReaLemon concentrate to a glass of ice water. It feels like I’ve added a slice of lemon…just like in a restaurant.

So, find your favorite glass, mug or thermos…add cold water and maybe ice…and a few Sweet Drops and hydrate! Enjoy!

Please comment or email me directly at marykisner@comcast.net.